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Photovoltaic Industry "Double Anti Crisis" will Spread to Europe

        Hung in photovoltaic industry in China in the overhead dharma Chris sword down at last.
        On May 18, the U.S. department of commerce of photovoltaic products originating in China has made the "anti-dumping" preliminary decision, imports of solar photovoltaic products will be taxed.
        March 21, this is the U.S. department of commerce announced punitive levy a tax on China pv enterprises "countervailing" preliminary ruling result within 2 months, Chinese companies suffered another blow, industry in the background, the blow again, what to do to become China's enterprises have to face the problem.

        "The weight of the "unsustainable""
        According to the decision, China imports photovoltaic products will be a minimum 31.14% to up to 249.96% of the "anti-dumping" duties, taxes and measures 90 days, it is considered to be "devastating".
        Such as a result, China is clearly unacceptable.
        On May 24, led by mechanical and electronic chamber of commerce, yingli, suntech, TRW, RON artest to the U.S. solar pv companies such as attendance products "double reverse" survey news conference, says the ruling distorted China photovoltaic industry and the present situation of photovoltaic products exports to the us, will certainly to the sustainable development of the green energy industry in China and the United States and cause severe damage consumer interests.
        "The problem is very serious, the United States market at present is the third largest exporter of China pv, such a decision would make some companies get into trouble."Vice director of China's renewable energy, photovoltaic yu-wen zhao, director of the branch of the new financial reporters.
        On October 19, 2011, represented by Solar World seven U.S. photovoltaic cell manufacturer questioned Chinese companies get subsidies violate international trade rules, and put forward to come from China to the us government's crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells photovoltaic battery products filed anti-dumping, countervailing (" double reverse ") application, open the "double reverse" battle.
        In the first round, the Chinese enterprise once see the dawn.On March 21, the U.S. department of commerce for pv subsidy in China, according to preliminary results on Chinese imports of photovoltaic products to impose the tax rate shall be 2.90% to 4.73% of the countervailing duties.
        "Below 5% countervailing duties not bone to Chinese enterprises."The personage inside course of study says, "but countervailing duties and countervailing duties of stacking up more than 250%, is completely unsustainable."
        According to preliminary us department of commerce, Chinese enterprises will take on different tax standards, industry leading rates are relatively low.Yingli will be levied 31.18%, suntech was 31.22%, TRW 31.14% anti-dumping duty was imposed.
        Even by the lowest tax rate calculation, photovoltaic enterprises will still face "bear".If the final result is changeless, it will be so far Chinese companies were to impose punitive tariff rate of the highest one.

        Industry "the most" and "sin"
        "Chinese companies have no dumping."Deal with the solar battery products "double reverse" survey conference, Chinese enterprise group said.
        "China crystal silicon photovoltaic cells have a price advantage in the competition, the root cause lies in the photovoltaic industry chain in China in recent years of development, China pv enterprises and higher management level, production scale advantage and forward-looking business strategy."
        In fact, the "sin" of China pv industry and production of the "most" are inseparable.
        Data show that with the development in recent years, the "light", China is the world leader in the field of photovoltaic production already, since 2007, as the world's largest producer of photovoltaic cells, has been maintain leading position, for five consecutive years and increase the speed of a surprise.
        "We according to the solar cell production line of 15 big battery maker of the world, the 15 big players inside, Chinese companies accounted for more than nine, foreign account for six."Yu-wen zhao said "photovoltaic industry is the highest of any industry internationalization in China."At present, nearly all the top pv enterprises listed in the United States.
        After consecutive years of 100% growth, pv industry as a whole step is beginning to slow, industry profits decline.Since 2011, due to the rapid development of photovoltaic industry, the market is relatively slow pace of development under the dual role, photovoltaic market as a whole performed significantly weaker, listed Chinese pv companies in the United States in 2011, nearly all fell.
        "The United States to ignore China's market economy status, using the discrimination of the" country "unfair to compare prices, China's enterprises in human existence of dumping, and demonstrably determines the Chinese enterprises to the margin of dumping, protectionist."The Chinese believe that the anti-dumping investigation, the Chinese responses to the rights and interests of enterprises has not been fully safeguard, said Chinese companies.
        In fact, relative to the European and American countries, China's development of photovoltaic products biggest advantage is cheap labor price."The core technology is still in the hands of the developed countries, the development is very passive, and China pv industry blindly following investment, cause excess capacity, is the industry's biggest problem in China."Pv experts KuangShaoPing explained.
        "This year we are in a photovoltaic market downturn, as we all know, any industry is the development of the wave, but he also will be affected by the environment, especially the influence of the economic environment, financial environment."Yu-wen zhao said: "the double tax rate, in the United States does not exclude the domestic political interference factors. It should be said that we are internationally recognized in the industry, has the very high level."
        Even so, the industry crisis has appeared, and the whole in 2011, the national pv manufacturers have nearly 70 ﹪ collapse or in a state of shutdown, nearly 20 ﹪ manufacturer production load is less than 50 ﹪.
        "In the United States before the final results, we will actively for defense and appeal."China's photovoltaic cell industry joint responses to attorney, said Li Lei.
        As a general rule, double the survey in the United States is divided into preliminary and final two stages, in the preliminary victory is relatively rare, "in the preliminary stage of industry injury and that no end to survey the situation is very little, less than 10%."This means that in the final stage of in October "reverse", become China's enterprises in the United States.
        Although China is the world's solar panels in the factory, but the domestic market is small, more than 9 into products to export, overseas markets at the fragile nerves engaged in industry. And more worries industry is, double the crisis is likely to expand into China's largest export market for European enterprises.
        "For Chinese products to highlight the double negative survey the earliest application of SolarWorld was originally a European company, if achieved its purpose in the United States, is likely to repeat itself in the European market."Yu-wen zhao said, "the biggest wish is to expand the domestic market scale, if the proportion of exports and domestic 50-50 can be implemented, will greatly enhance the risk resistance capability of firms."
        Obviously, this can only be good vision temporarily, Yingli group chairman Liansheng Miao had previously said in an interview with the new financial journalist, "the industry reshuffle is inevitable."

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