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The Slow Development of Domestic Transformer High-end Market Local Companies are Grim

        At present, the electronic transformer products is still in the medium level. Compared with the present situation of high performance products into the market's darling, local companies in the past has rich raw material resources, cheap labor, mature technology and the advantages of the huge market demand, has lost.
        It is thought that national enterprise also has the advantage, still can hold those more variety type, specification batch number, large amount of traditional product position.But experts say, could no longer take this view of the enterprise to form a new and strong competitiveness.

 国内变压器高端市场发展缓慢 本土企业堪忧

       If domestic enterprises can't breaks high-end technology as soon as possible, is bound to expand new markets. In general not conquer and master the production ability of high-end products, electronic transformer in local companies is difficult to have essential breakthrough, the market share of independent innovation become the industry's top priority.
        No advanced technology, compared to foreign enterprises has been in a passive position, the difficult of local companies is from raw material prices remain high, bring great difficulty to enterprise management.The reality is that there have been some smaller, lack of cash flow of enterprise production on the sidelines or forced to close.
        According to incomplete statistics, electronic transformer enterprises has changed from nearly 4000 to the present more than 2000.Should be noted that this adjustment because of the market competition is the evolution of the practice, to a certain extent promote the development of the industry and optimization.
        Thankfully, laws of evolution of the market has become the effective measures to stimulate business endeavour.Many of the passive enterprise has experience to "advantage" background conditions are gradually disappearing, they actively studying the market trend, in the development of high-end products and energetically, adhere to independent innovation for many years with the foundation of development of high-grade products and ability.
        At present, the industry is still a lack of a strong body and link the advantage resources integration, such as large-scale professional scientific research units and core enterprise.Therefore, it is a certain strength of enterprises should be based on innovation.

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