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Wireless Charging Market Demand to Expand Awareness Rising

        Wireless charging technology although there have been a few years ago, also used in some products, but wireless charging is still in the market to start the process.
        Qualcomm is the leader of wireless charging technology, for the union A4WP, qualcomm product management, senior director Mark Hunsicker told reporters: "wireless charging market will have a big future, from mobile phones and other mobile terminals growing sales each year, wireless charging will no longer be the niche technology."
        And the establishment of A4WP whether to challenge the alliance of WPC?TI wen SiHua battery management solutions market development manager to the "China electronics news" reporter said: "there is no challenge. The establishment of the new alliance will help consumers to increase awareness of the concept of wireless charging, is of great help to the whole wireless charging market. There are two major league, this is the phenomenon of wireless charging technology market prosperity, also fully shows that wireless charging market attention in improving, the industry will be more interested in wireless charging technology. And with the deepening of the wireless charging technology application, believe that there will be more companies join in."
        At present the WPC members has been increased to 109, its members are mainly TI, samsung, HTC, LG, haier, etc.A4WP alliance led by qualcomm, samsung, areas and automobiles, furniture, chip, circulation and other industries, such as SK communications, German car together enterprise Peiker Acustic etc six founding member.
        Samsung is a member of the alliance of WPC, A4WP union launched a member.Samsung has said, there are many areas of manufacturers and operators are planning to participate in WPC and A4WP two coalition, not conflict.

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