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The Next Three Years the Global Semiconductor Market Demand is Gradually Pick up

        SICAS (international association of semiconductor production statistics), according to a report released the latest global semiconductor market growth rate will be 4% in 2012, and 2011 the number was only 0.4%.In 2012 and mobile storage products demand, the global semiconductor market will gradually recover, and in the next three years, will remain more than 6% of the country's average annual growth rate.
        Semiconductor market runs smooth
        In fact, since 2008 since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, the semiconductor market runs smooth.In 2009, the global semiconductor market into a full-blown recession, sales growth of 9%.In 2010, the loose monetary policy and national economic assistance measures, the global semiconductor market unexpectedly in the irrational rise, sales growth of 31.8%.In 2011, the European debt crisis make the western developed country markets in weak demand situation comprehensively, plus the impact caused by the earthquake in Japan market, global semiconductor market in hesitation and see again, the main reason is that DRAM prices are low, the PC market is influenced by weak demand.
        In overall malaise, of course, there are some bright spots.ESIA (European semiconductor industry association), said by product category, discrete devices, optoelectronic components and sensor components market growth rate of 8.3% in 2011, MOS microprocessors market growth rate is 7.5%.
        From the point of regional markets, in 2011, the United States and Asia Pacific semiconductor market sales growth trend, European and Japanese market is a recession.The asia-pacific region is the highest market in the 2011 annual sales, reached $164.03 billion, a 2.5% growth in 2010;The semiconductor market sales of $55.2 billion, the growth rate of 2.8%.Japanese semiconductor market sales of $2011 in 42.9 billion, a decline of 7.9% from the previous year, the semiconductor market is $37.39 billion, 1.7% decline.

        In 2015 to $400 billion
        For the semiconductor market in 2012, most of the research institutions forecast growth rate is between 3% ~ 5%.Gartner's latest outlook report predicts, for example, in 2012 the global semiconductor revenue will reach $316 billion, up 4% from 2011.IHSiSuppli released updated version of the 2012 global semiconductor market growth rate forecast, revenue of $323.2 billion, an increase of 3.3%.Taiwan's industrial institute of intelligence MIC said, expects global semiconductor market grew by 4.1% in 2012.Different from the above several, WSTS (world semiconductor trade statistics organization) projections on the low side, it predicts global semiconductor market grew 2.6% in 2012.
        Slow rebound in 2012, the global semiconductor market will show up in the next few years.IHSiSuppli pointed out that if the U.S. economic recovery in 2013, the semiconductor demand will be greatly improved, is expected in 2013 to 2015, the overall semiconductor market growth rate is between 6.6% ~ 6.6%, revenue scale in the body of the market rose only 2.6%.In 2015 to around $400 billion.

        Mobile storage into momentum
        In 2012, the growth of the semiconductor market power mainly comes from the movement and storage products.In the memory market, DRAM prices rebound is expected to begin in the second quarter of 2012.Gartner analyst thinks, elpida filed for bankruptcy protection will be one of the main causes of DRAM prices rebound this year.The NANDFlash flash will be one of the fastest growing storage products in 2012, its revenue growth is expected to be 18%.Analysts pointed out that the NANDFlash for mobile consumer products and solid-state drives demand and bring strong growth.
        In 2012, the tablet production is expected to be 78% higher than in 2011, the contribution to the semiconductor income up to $9.5 billion, quad-core processors will be tablet mainstream components this year.Mobile phone production growth is expected to be 6.7% this year, the semiconductor industry revenue contribution from mobile phone department estimates will be $57.2 billion.
        In addition, the performance good is related to automotive IC products, 2012 governments increase to the requirement of automotive safety and environmental protection features, the future new models must have low tire pressure warning, electronic stabilizer, prevent collision device, such as car infotainment system will also be more popular.

Source: China electronics news
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