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Reported this Year China is Expected to Become the World's Largest Photovoltaic Market

        According to the latest Solarbuzz research reports, China's domestic pv demand growth in 2011 to 2.75 GW, China has become second only to Germany and Italy, the world's third largest photovoltaic market.In the policy under the influence of shrinkage, Germany and Italy pv demand faces huge uncertainty, China in 2012 is likely to become the world's largest photovoltaic market.
        Indications that, after a 470% surge in 2011, a new years of strong growth in Chinese photovoltaic market has kicked off.Solarbuzz latest projections suggest that Chinese photovoltaic market will more than double in 2012, nearly 5 GW, and have reached the level of more than 6 gw space, this will make China at the end of this year as the world's biggest photovoltaic market, also for the domestic photovoltaic industry upstream formed in 2010, 2011, provides important export capacity.
        Positive policy environment is the foundation of Chinese photovoltaic market growth, including a feed-in tariff mechanism, the government subsidy programs, etc.In fact, the central government also plans to continue to launch new incentives, such as renewable quotas and distributed generation related policy may be found in 2012.
        China is the world's photovoltaic system construction of one of the lowest cost, and the cost has been on the decline.And shandong and liaoning provinces even provides higher electricity prices to stimulate the local demand further.
        Source: the China securities journal

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