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Inverter Tycoon SMA Acquisition Megavolt Aisuo Push China Market

        Is expected in 2016, the global inverter shipments will reach 60 GW, the size of the market will be $10 billion. Analysts said, with the traditional photovoltaic market atrophy and the rise of emerging photovoltaic inverter markets around the world pattern also will be in the adjustment. In 2012 the introduction of sequoia capital China inverter brand equity - Guerrero watt as the most favored by the industry's global supplier of inverter.
        From the layout of the market at present, the global top 10 PV inverter manufacturers, such as the SMA, Power - One, Fronius, Kaco tycoon still hold the vast majority of the market. But inverter falling prices, and new markets such as Japan, China, India and the United States is difficult to penetrate the market changed, has made the traditional inverter tycoon losses. Recently, the leading supplier of photovoltaic inverter SMA issued a profit warning, and announced its global workforce of more than 1000 people, and the American Satcon has even filed for bankruptcy protection.
        IMS Research predicts that Europe will account for 54% of global shipments of 2012, this proportion will decline to 40% by 2014. The agency predicted that in 2014 the world's top ten manufacturers of will and today there is a big change, there will be more Chinese and Japanese companies. From quality point of view, the gap between the inverter and the international brand inverter is gradually narrowed, some models such as guerrero watt Growatt 5000MTL in PHOTON test performance, has reached world leading level. According to IMS Research inverter downstream user survey, a growing number of western customers began to accept Chinese inverter.
        Recently, the vice premier Li Keqiang Revelations over 50 GW of solar power installed in 2020 big goals.The opening of the Chinese market will also be Chinese inverter brand bring huge opportunities for development.Industry analysts are bullish on the prospect of development of inverter manufacturers, in particular, occupying China inverter exports and export business for the first two guerrero watt and sunshine power supply.
        It is understood that the beginning of 2012 the introduction of sequoia capital investment guerrero gigawatts of new energy continued crawling with inverter to export the first position in China, with more than two years after establishment, to the rapid growth of guerrero watt has to be included in the domestic authority of financial institutions to choose "2012 China top 100 innovation growth", "2012 the most growth enterprises", "2012 China top ten brand" inverter and so on.In both the international and domestic markets by leaps and bounds to the growth of guerrero immeasurably watt's future development potential.The sun power is also firmly occupying the first place, China's domestic market with the outbreak of the Chinese market also has great prospects for development.Is expected in 2016, the global inverter shipments will reach 60 GW, the size of the market will be $10 billion. Analysts said, with the traditional photovoltaic market atrophy and the rise of emerging photovoltaic inverter markets around the world pattern also will be in the adjustment.In 2012 the introduction of sequoia capital China inverter brand equity - guerrero watt as the most favored by the industry's global supplier of inverter.

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