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Analysis of Crisis LED Industry Development in Our Country in 2012

        Due to the huge market potential and the historical opportunity, make the LED industry over the past two years, the rapid fire up, from the enterprise to the local government, there is no doubt on its good development prospects, but lack of standards is becoming a huge obstacle of the development of the industry.Industry experts told reporters that the lack of unified specification standardization standard optical components and lamps and lanterns, plus the companies own existing equipment facilities, and technology development not balanced, the basis of the work to make the LED industry development is facing severe challenges.As a LED big province, guangdong is first to solve the problem.
        In prosperity under the latent crisis
        LED lighting is the trend of the next generation of lighting products, it has become the industry does not dispute.The use of LED lighting lamps and lanterns, long life, high light efficiency, and it has the characteristics of low power consumption, make it has the obvious advantage than the traditional lights, and this with the current countries are advocating energy conservation and environmental protection, create a "green low carbon" life consistent policy.
In fact, in recent years, the LED industry development is good. 

        In 2007, set up LED the development of the special funds in our country, and in 2008 published "efficient lighting products to promote fiscal subsidy funds management interim measures", countries will be in the form of subsidies to speed up the popularization and application of LED.Beijing, Shanghai, guangdong and other places are on the LED energy-saving lighting products billions of dollars of fiscal subsidy scheme is put forward.The national development and reform commission set out inefficient lighting products (incandescent) roadmap, promotion of high efficiency and energy saving lighting products.In march this year, the ministry of finance, the national development and reform commission, ministry of science and technology also organized the "semiconductor lighting products in 2012 fiscal subsidy promotion project", the subsidies to the LED development.
        LED industry in China in 2011 output value of 154 billion yuan, up 22% year on year, output grew by 50% year on year.In led lighting products, is expected to 2012 industry output value is expected to reach 200 billion yuan, up 30% from a year earlier.But in the future, LED also seems to have good prospects.At the end of 2011, a professional BBS, s
cience and technology department official said: "the twelfth five-year LED energy-saving planning national goals: by 2015, LED industrial lighting lumens to achieve 150 lumens/watt, research and development levels of 200 lumens per watt, life of 50000 hours, the size of the market reached 500 billion yuan."
        This is undoubtedly inject enough vitality to the development of the whole LED industry.But experts in the industry, the prosperity, lurks a big crisis.

      Standard problem is the biggest obstacle to the LED industry development, especially the lack of a unified specification standardization standard optical components and lamps and lanterns.

        Sui ShiRong said the country is gradually improve the LED's standards, but lack of the current situation is not optimistic."The lack of standards, with companies own existing equipment facilities, and technology development not balanced, the basis of the work caused by various types of LED lighting application products appear on the market, different performance, poor compatibility, thus put forward severe challenges to the development of the industry, but also to some extent, restricted the healthy development of semiconductor lighting industry."SuiShiRong said.
        Currently has more than 3000 LED companies in our country, but because of the lacking of standard, local governments at all levels or the manufacturer in accordance with the standards of its own operation, lack of product identity between industries, between various enterprises are mostly in their own way stage.

        "Standard, a lot of technology continues to improve, the cost is high, the application of the market will also not be very strong. The current domestic LED industry development is still in its infancy."One industry source is concluded.

        LED industry standard is formulated
        In the industry point of view, due to the lack of standards, as a result of a significant effect, is the industry development is uneven, quality problems are full of the whole industry.
        Many buyers from overseas to China LED products one of the biggest criticism is that the inferior quality of LED bulbs products made in China, do not conform to the requirements of the relevant technical standards and environmental protection, low service life and easy to cause harm to human body.As a result, many LED lighting manufacturers often suffer returns in overseas markets.
        And this kind of thing in a LED the industry seems to be "normal"."Because of lack of LED industry standard, also cause the whole industry low barriers to entry, so no matter what people have run to do the LED, whether professional or not professional. There is no standard, will be leaderless, a variety of technical production requirements, therefore also appear on the market the products of various kinds of variable quality."The person complained to reporters, said a lot of LED small enterprises lack of core technology research and development and product creative design, but by imitation and violate the intellectual property rights of some innovative enterprises, with a "low-cost low-quality" to the market, which to a great extent, the infringement of the interests of innovative companies, has affected the market's overall health development.
        It is important to note that the foreign enterprise in LED standards already go ahead.
        At present many international standardization organizations and relevant enterprises attach great importance to standard questions.International electrotechnical commission and are extremely concerned about the LED lighting committee and related standardization of LED devices, the development of European and American countries has its own technical standards and test research methods.And some international LED companies such as philips, osram, etc at the same time, actively participate in national and international standardization work also developed their own enterprise standards, the specification of the LED lighting parameters of radio, film and television, such as voltage, current, flux and color coordinate, color temperature, color rendering, life, etc.At the beginning of 2010, by osram, philips, panasonic,
Toshiba lighting giants such as the establishment of cooperation organization - Zhaga alliance, defines the standards of various kinds of optical engine interface.At present, the standardization has basically formed, the products will come out in the Chinese market.

       "Upstream of the LED industry has already been loved by master, master the core technology and chip. LED products in China mainly focus on the application of lighting products, but now the standards of the products, and by foreign enterprises early movers, this is not conducive to the development of national industry."The above the personage inside course of study says, despite the current domestic LED go have quickly upright, but compared with Europe and the United States, international counterparts, there is still a big gap.Because many foreign big companies have a fairly independent intellectual property rights, and on the core technology will cross each other's authorization, if mastered the advantage of LED standard again, is likely to encroach on the domestic market step by step."I'm worried about, the LED industry in China's prosperity will be a flash in the pan because of the lack of standard."The industry insiders said.
        "In order to standardize the market, but also for the industry's development, the need to make the LED industry standards."Jiang Yulong said.
        China electronics technology group, a researcher at 13 wan-sheng zhang, said last year LED the national and industry standards cannot be impatient for success.But before the national standards of immature, industry association to some large enterprise standard of LED products, demonstration, communication, discussion, sets up the benchmarking provide reference for the other manufacturers, so as to lay a foundation for the development of industry and national standards.

        LED guangdong guangdong province opened a good start
        As LED big province, guangdong province, in the LED industry development and standards can be opened a good head.
        Guangdong province is the largest LED, LED industry accounts for 60% of the share, and the government of guangdong province have more attention to the development of LED industry.During the period of "11th five-year plan", in guangdong province department of unified deployment and, in the province has done a lot of semiconductor lighting application demonstration project, in the process also has accumulated rich experience in industrial practice.In the 12th five-year plan, semiconductor lighting has been as the strategic emerging industry of guangdong province.On March 12, 2012, the guangdong provincial government website released the full text of guangdong province "twelfth five-year" plan "strategic emerging industry development, planning, according to the guangdong will throw 11.6 billion support 13 LED project.From the government level, it is a great support.
        Sui ShiRong says, in August 2011, led by the science of guangdong province 21 scientific research institutions and leading enterprises jointly set up "semiconductor lighting industry joint innovation center of guangdong province".In the center, industry chain upstream and downstream or technical complementary businesses, universities and research institutions, such as a batch of LED core key technology.In addition, in the aspect of LED products in guangdong, set up the system of joint conference for the province, the relevant departments to jointly organize the implementation of industrialization demonstration project "Trinidad hundreds of high power LED street light and the green lighting demonstration city of special operation", the province to install the LED street light more than 260000 lamps, demonstration section of more than 2500 kilometers, scale and progress among the top.

        Sui ShiRong said, at present in guangdong province has launched the "LED lighting standard optical components" project research and implementation, is working on establishing province LED indoor lighting product benchmarking system the related knowledge and standards, and have begun to accept the related product testing work.
        "Now is a critical stage in the development of industry, it is necessary to standardization, seriation, standardization, promote LED lighting industry whole competition ability."Sui ShiRong said. For LED products, he said, "standardized" problem research is the need of industrial development and the needs of the strategy research.Fully use and using the platform of the semiconductor lighting industry joint innovation center, called industry leading enterprises in the province, gathered across the country and the world of high quality resources, collect, sort out as soon as possible, research, development and making the current economy is applicable and has certain forward-looking semiconductor lighting industry in guangdong province standard optical components, LED LED lighting industry development in the direction of standardization, seriation, standardization, improve the whole competitive ability of guangdong LED lighting industry, has important and far-reaching significance.
        Semiconductor lighting industry in guangdong province "standard optical components" joint innovation center project construction, there will be 100 domestic LED enterprises to participate.Optical components at the level of the project will research the shape of the structure, function characteristics, standard interface, using standard, testing methods and relevant technical standards and patents.SuiShiRong said, as these standards gradually mature, the future is likely to become the national standard.

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