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PV Inverter Market Scale will Exceed One Hundred Billion

Recently, the solar power industry continued to market. We believe that the cost of solar power in the next three to five years will reach parity on the Internet, which will lead to the outbreak of the growing demand for solar power generation, photovoltaic inverter market will also be so sharp growth.
        Photovoltaic inverter is converts direct current (dc) to alternating current by means of power electronic module equipment, is a important coupling of photovoltaic power generation and power grid.
        We believe that the pv inverter is the last one in the photovoltaic industry size and has not been fully exploiting the rich ore.According to our calculations, photovoltaic inverter current market scale is about 43 billion yuan, is expected to 2015, even considering selling price drop, pv inverter market scale will exceed 100 billion yuan, is one of the few pv components that can be super billions of small molecule industry, the competition winner is expected to become super billions of large companies.
        It is understood that the current global pv inverter market is mainly composed of SMA, such as giant monopoly.The first SMA take over 40% of the market, to enter the market is the undisputed leading, and four major manufacturers account for more than 60% of market share.At present domestic enterprises in the pv inverter market share smaller, accounts for about 5%.
        In fact, from the industry attribute, photovoltaic inverter is more suitable for growing industry in China, main reason is: first, China is already the world's largest battery production base, has inherent advantages in the market.Second, Chinese companies have cost advantages.According to our calculations, the cost of domestic inverter is expected to reach 40% of the imports.In addition, the Chinese enterprise has the technology base.Photovoltaic inverter in essence is a power electronic products, and domestic enterprises in the field of power electronics production experience and technical level has very strong competition.
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